Handling objects
Piles of stuff definitely don’t belong in the passenger seat or on the dashboard. If a loose water bottle gets squashed under your brake pedal, you’re in trouble. Let alone if it’s not a bottle of water, but for instance a cup of scalding hot coffee, which can topple into your lap. You’re definitely not holding the steering wheel at that moment. Take a break and enjoy your coffee and snacks in peace, throw your rubbish in the bin and put other things in the glove compartment or in the holders. Keep your space nice and safe.
What else should you know about handling objects while driving?

Trinkets or decorations in the cabin distract you from driving, even if you’re not paying attention to them. As long as precautions are taken, they might not bother anyone. But in unexpected situations, everything can go flying around inside the car. Suddenly, amidst the chaos, you don’t know whether to grab the belongings or the steering wheel first. Not to mention that flying objects can cause an injury.

Having lunch while driving, is definitely not a good idea. A proper meal requires a lot of handling and concentration at the expense of driving. Hands greasy from salami don’t have a firm enough grip, and it’s easy for food to go down the wrong way while driving. Driving aside, your stomach won’t be happy about eating while driving either, at high speed and under stress.